Thursday, September 4, 2008

How Christ Saved Me...

I was asked by a sister in Him how I became a follower of Jesus. Here is my answer. I am so excited about sharing this.

When I was three my younger sister was born and I was no longer the only child of my family. My Papa was a pastor and my mom a stay at home mom but I was as rebellious as a three year old girl could be. As a year went by I became as jealous, angry, and full of pride as ever before. One evening I did what my mother directly told me not to do. (Not like I didn’t do that often enough) but this defiant act caused her, my Papa, and I to all become very upset and our little home was full of tension. That night as we were trying to have our family prayer time my Mommy asked me, “If your Papa had had taken you to the bedroom and spanked you as you deserved…then Jesus walked in and said, ‘Don’t spank Lydia, spank me instead.’ What would you do?
A simple example but that night Christ turned the light on in my little heart and I began to understand. That night I asked Jesus to come into my heart and I was never the same. Still I was only four and knew little about living the Christian walk. I went through phases of being excited about the Bible to almost dormant. I was around it all the time, in every ministry available at our church and somehow it became all very ordinary to me. But God was still working. As I entered my teens I was confused and wanted to be apart of our youth group, and I wanted so much to be ‘in’ but with my parents putting so many ‘hindrances’ (so I thought) I couldn’t be all I wanted to be. Then my eyes were opened just a little more and I began to see where I needed to be. I knew I needed to dig more into God’s word and work on having a quiet and gentle spirit to; focus more on the inside than I was on the outside. I knew I struggled in many areas but I wasn’t taking action to fix them. Then in only the past six months my life continued to turn from my own desires to that of God’s and my parents. I didn’t view submission as a burden so much anymore and I began to find God’s word to be more than the book I based my life around because that was the right thing to do. I started waking up early and seeking for myself what the Bible say and started really seeking His will. So I am this sweet, Godly, humble, submissive, quiet teen. Absolutely not! I still have years to go before I come near that. But like God has worked in the past twelve years since the night I knelt on my parent’s bedroom floor till now I am sure He will continue do great things because He is great.
I sometimes feel like I’ve wasted those twelve years and I am determined not to continue in that pattern.
Life goes on… and so does my awe in God’s hand over me. This morning I sat and wept asking, “God why on earth did you choose me? I don’t understand.” I can only say thank you and hope that I will become so surrendered to His will that He can us me, even little 5’ 2’, unpopular, silly, me for His BIG plan.
So that’s my testimony and how God reached from heaven to save….me.

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